sintoniza sapytoniza

Investitaged with lunas, cosnis and tide fragments, melodies of harmony, providing substance, history, concepts, ideas and forms in true wisdom, cosmic and eternal, spiritual and physical, unconscious, serene, surreal, systematic, unique, simple, fruitful, and forceful, proved, serene, authentic, irrational, speculative, luxurious, weird, abundant, illogical, hopeless, conscious, peaceful, brave, incandescent, hilarious, ready, accurate, and brilliant, therefore cosmic, systemic, serene, super, brave, musical, almighty, happy, cosmic, and aromatic, devoid, bright, sociable, peaceful, fruitless, strange, restless, strong, silent, brave, profound, musical, fiery, luminous, useful, safe, abundant, harmless, profound, secret, strange, bitter, luxurious, weird, intelligent, bright, and humble.